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Almost Daily Inspirational Post: Happiness

happiness-divorce-separationAs you go through a separation or divorce mindset plays a key role in determining how you view the process, the outcome, and how you come out on the other side.  I plan to begin a new series with inspirational quotes to help keep you in a great mindset as you make your way through this process.  Here's today's first installment:"The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts." - Marcus AureliusYou can make the choice to harbor resentment, anger, hatred, and other negative feelings or you can choose to focus on how your are going to move forward through this process.

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Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

I'll take a break from our normal topic of family to take a second to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.  I hope you can take some time over this Thanksgiving holiday to reflect on the many blessings in your life and what you have to be thankful for in 2011.Now, please enjoy a quick tune from my four year old, Cole.  One of the many things I am thankful for.

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Happy Birthday UpstateFamilyLawBlog.com!

Happy Birthday to the blog!  The first blog post here at UpstateFamilyLawBlog.com came two years ago so today I’m celebrating the blog’s birthday!In the last two years, I have written 141 posts, there have been over 20,000 page visits, 45,000 pageviews, and many comments.I’m so thankful for being able to share some of what I do every day to help other South Carolinians who are going through the divorce process. This blog has allowed me to interact with many of my readers on a personal basis and in some cases that has led to representation opportunities and speaking engagements.

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Tripp Atkins - Live and In Person!

Next Friday, January 28, 2011, I'll be presenting a topic at the South Carolina Bar Guardian ad Litem CLE course.  If you're interested in more information about the conference, for more information or to register you can check out the program page at the SC Bar website (here).  Gregory Forman, a family law attorney in Charleston, is moderating the event and has put together what looks like a very interesting day of speakers.  I'm looking forward to heading down to Columbia next week.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.I hope you have an opportunity today to reflect on what you have to be thankful for in 2010.  I have been truly blessed this year and look forward to the blessings of 2011.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5-16-18

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Firm Announcement: Atkins Law Firm, P.A.

Tripp Atkins is excited to announce the opening of the Atkins Law Firm, P.A.  Effective May 1, 2010, the Atkins Law Firm, P.A. will be providing divorce, family law, and probate administration and litigation services in upstate South Carolina.  We are doing everything possible to minimize the transition between the former firm and Tripp's new firm. You can contact the Atkins Law Firm, P.A. the following ways:

  • Physical Address: 11 N. Irvine Street, Suite 14, Greenville, South Carolina 29601
  • Mail: PO Box 27167, Greenville, SC 29616
  • E-mail: Tripp@AtkinsSC.com
  • Telephone: 864-735-8699
  • Fax: 864-349-5054
  • Get Directions to our new office here
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