If you are just starting to consider the separation/divorce process or you just don't know where to start, this will be a great place to get started learning about the different issues as we link you up to resources, articles, and tools.
You want to file for divorce:
What are the grounds for divorce in South CarolinaWhat is an uncontested divorce?Do I have to notify my spouse of the divorce?Do we have to be separated to file for divorce?
Separate Support and Maintenance/Legal Separation
Should I consider filing for legal separation?
You have been served with divorce papers
What to do when you have been served with divorce papersWhen you have been served with divorce papers
Custody and Visitation of Children
5 Child Custody TipsMoms automatically win custody of children, right?When can a child determine which parent he/she will live with?Do father's have custody rights when the parents are not married?
Child Support
In South Carolina, Child Support is determined in most cases by use of the South Carolina Child Support Guidelines. The SC Child Support Guidelines and the amount of child support that is ordered in a particular case is a function of both parent's gross monthly income (the amount you earn before income taxes are withheld), the number of children being supported, if you pay child support for other children already, if you have custody of biological children, the premiums for health insurance for the children, and work related childcare expenses.There is a convenient calculator you can use to estimate child support for your particular case:South Carolina Child Support CalculatorVideo: How to use the SC Child Support Calculator
Division of Property/Debts in Divorce
How South Carolina Family Courts Divide Marital Assets and Debts
Learning about alimony in South Carolina
Temporary Hearings
Divorce Process: What is a Temporary Hearing
What is a Divorce Temporary Hearing
Definition: Temporary Divorce Hearing
Temporary Hearing – What’s Next?
What Happens After my Temporary Hearing?
Is there an Advantage to Winning at the Temporary Hearing?