You Shouldn't Be Your Own Divorce Lawyer

Facing a divorce is difficult.  It is probably one of the hardest things you will go through in your life.  There are lots of emotions and questions.  Then you are learning to live on your own again and budgeting based on a single income rather than two.  I also understand that a divorce can be a very expensive proposition.  You are faced with dividing up marital assets that you may have accumulated over decades of marriage, not to mention the attorney fees and court costs.  This cost often leads people to attempt to represent themselves in the family court.  Often times, people represent themselves even when their spouse has hired an attorney to represent their interests.  In cases where there are no issues and no property to divide this might be okay, but if there are any issues that remain contested (child custody, support, visitation, alimony or property division) you should definitely have an attorney.(Aside: I know this looks self-serving coming from a divorce attorney, but I totally believe that it's true)

"A well-trained man knows how to answer questions; an educated man knows what questions are worth asking."

- E. Digby Baltzell (1955)

I like this quote.  It reminds me about what a lawyer is supposed to do - that is, to know which questions are worth asking.  A lawyer also knows the rules in the courtroom.  How to make sure you ask the questions that are worth asking so you tell the judge everything he/she needs to know in order to decide the case the best way possible for you.


Serving Divorce Papers on your Spouse


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