What's a Reason for Divorce

While I know there are many reasons and circumstances that lead to a couple or spouse determining it is time for a divorce, South Carolina only grants divorces when you are able to prove one of five divorce grounds.  Over the coming days we are going to delve into the five divorce grounds in depth, but today I want to highlight them for you and let you know what you are in store for.So what are divorce grounds?  Divorce ground are the reason you are getting a divorce that state law recognizes as a way to get divorced?  For example, if your spouse cheats on you it is possible to proceed with a divorce on the grounds of adultery.  However, if there are no specific fault based reasons for divorce but you and your spouse simply can't stay married for any other number of reasons you would proceed on the no-fault ground for divorce in South Carolina which is by being separated from your spouse for more than one year continuously.The five divorce grounds in South Carolina are:

  1. Physical Cruelty
  2. Habitual Drunkenness and Drug Use
  3. Adultery
  4. Abandonment
  5. More than one year's continuous separation.

The first four grounds listed above are all fault based grounds.  Number five is the no-fault divorce ground in South Carolina.  If you file for divorce using a fault-based ground, you must wait at least 90 days from the date of filing before you can request a final hearing.  Stay tuned for a more detailed discussion of each of the divorce grounds coming soon.


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