The Problem with Do It Yourself Divorce Kits in South Carolina

I have met with a lot of people who are interested in meeting with an attorney to discuss their case, but all along they are really just gathering information so they can file their own divorce papers and attempt to get a divorce on their own in South Carolina. While I don't have a problem with someone representing themselves, nor do I have a problem with someone consulting with me about what they should do - I really want to give a warning to those considering filing for divorce on their own.There are forms for free on the South Carolina Judicial website (   Anyone can download those forms, fill in the blanks and file for divorce in South Carolina.  BUT, and this is a big but, I would only say that is alright in a completely uncontested divorce case where there is no property or debt to separate, the grounds for divorce are the no-fault (one year separation), and there are no children (or the children have reach the age of 18 and have graduated from high school).  Otherwise, you should consult with an attorney about your case because there are going to be details that you do not know or think about in your case that may be forever barred if you do not do it right the first time around.I know this sounds a little self-serving coming from a divorce lawyer, but I really want you to make sure that when you are going through a situation like a divorce you make sure that you take care of yourself and your family the right way the first time around so you do not have to continue coming back to the Family Court again and again.Many companies who provide the divorce forms are being cracked down on in South Carolina because they are either practicing law without a license or they are misleading the public about the actual services that they provide.  They simply provide the fill-in-the-blank forms for you to fill in and a set of instructions on how to file the paperwork correctly but they do not fill in all of the details about how you are supposed to go about getting a hearing date, what questions you will need to ask (or the testimony you will need to provide the Family Court at your hearing) and whether you need a witness or not to testify on your behalf.  All of these things if done incorrectly could be a bar to prevent your divorce from becoming final.


Uncontested Divorce in Greenville, South Carolina


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