Definition: Temporary Divorce Hearing

I meet with people who have recently been served with divorce papers.  Many times, included in this paperwork is a Motion and Notice of Temporary Hearing.  This causes many questions because the Motion seems to ask for the same relief that is requested in the Complaint.  So what is a temporary hearing?A temporary hearing is an opportunity at the beginning of a divorce or child custody matter where you can ask the court to grant you some specific relief before the final hearing.  That means when you file for divorce you don't have to wait the entire nine months or a year to get to the final hearing when you need to get alimony or child support started or a custody order so you can enroll your child in school.In most counties, your temporary hearing will be held about 3-4 weeks from the time your request the hearing and generally lasts 15-30 minutes.  At this hearing you will generally not testify, but your case will be presented through your lawyer's arguments and through affidavits submitted by you to the Court.  After that brief time, the Court will make a decision that will remain in effect throughout your case.

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