Questions or Answers

Recently, Seth Godin wrote a blog post, Questions and Answers that spurred this post.When you arrive to see your divorce lawyer for the first time you may be seeking two things from them. One of them is obvious, but the other is not so obvious, but perhaps much more important. Questions and answers. I'll start with the answers because that is the most common and what everyone expects.When you go through the phone book, internet search or from a personal referral to speak with a lawyer, you expect that lawyer to be an expert. It is understood that they will know the answers to your questions (or to be able to find out for you after some research). Everyone going through a divorce wants to know similar things: how long is the divorce process, can I get alimony, who will be awarded custody of our children, how much will this cost, and so on. Everyone comes to the initial consultation seeking answers so that is expected.Did you ever think you might be getting a great value from your lawyer if they are also asking you a lot of questions? This part is very important. The lawyer has been trained to carefully examine your case to determine the issues that are present and advise you on the impact it will have on you as well as to advocate for your position. Sometimes, knowing the right question to ask leads to the breakthrough that will provide key information for a lawyer or, more than likely, it will open your mind to things you never considered were possible (or you never thought you were entitled to) before speaking with your divorce lawyer.


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